obdurate man
We now have a greater body of data on obdurate man. Obdurate man has left diaries' worth of information in the crumbling rocks and pebbles that fell from his ankles at every step. It is clear that obdurate man was a master of the obvious, that obdurate man woke at the same time every day, that obdurate man did not crush and was not crushed. Obdurate man lived in simple but heavily reinforced houses in barren, parched areas. He was forced to rely on non-obdurate man for food, and therefore developed an elaborate barter system for that purpose, providing nefarious schemes and plans in exchange for grains and vegetables.
There is some evidence that obdurate man originally dwelled in the forbidding wastelands of the middle continent, but migrated to the coasts. There is some evidence that obdurate man was not highly regarded, but persevered nevertheless. There is some evidence that obdurate man paid his taxes and did his best to support existing governmental systems. There is some evidence that obdurate man expected his fair share, but occasionally neglected his more obviously human aspects. There is some evidence that obdurate man invented complex hierarchies just to pass the time. There is some evidence that the descendents of obdurate man are still among us today.
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